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septiembre 14, 2020

Can a trampoline affect your home insurance?

Children love springing into the air atop the backyard trampoline. But they’re all too often unaware of the dangers. Tens of thousands of kids are brought to the emergency room each year to treat injuries that involve trampoline use. Some of the most common injuries are caused by improper landing, roughhousing, flipping, uncovered springs and multiple kids colliding midair, leading to an assortment of lacerations, sprains, fractures and more.

Because of the huge liability risk that accompanies trampolines, most insurance carriers will charge you a higher premium if you own one. Some insurers may even refuse you coverage. And others will cover you only if you take safety precautions, such as:

  • Installing a net enclosure around the perimeter of the trampoline to prevent falls
  • Covering all hooks and springs with padding
  • Limiting trampoline usage to kids over age six, one at a time
  • Enforcing rules that eliminate roughhousing
  • Supervising children at all times while the trampoline is in use

Think it’s okay to lie to your insurance carrier about your trampoline? That’s never the answer. If a neighbor’s child gets injured on your trampoline, you’re legally liable for the related expenses (and possibly funds for pain and suffering). However, if you failed to tell your insurer that you own a trampoline, your claim could be denied due to neglect of disclosure. In fact, your insurer could drop your coverage altogether.

Even though owning a trampoline may increase your homeowners insurance premium, it’s still important to own the right amount of coverage in case an accident does occur on your property. We can help you get started today.

– Best Insurance Services, Inc. can help answer questions about a multitude of insurance issues. Call (979) 297-2655 or visit our website


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